Five Joyful Things – An Improv Therapy Group adaptation of the warm-up game Five Things
Five Joyful Things
An Improv Therapy Group adaptation of the warm-up game Five Things
With all of the stress and struggles in the world today, especially for those in recovery, I like to begin an improv therapy class with something positive. Something that reminds us to be grateful for even the small joys in our lives.
Students are in a circle. I say, “We’re going to each share five joys: five things that make us happy. These can be big important things like family or they can be small joys like apple pie. Because we support each other, and we have each other’s backs, we’re going to count along with you. After you say your first thing, we say ‘one’. After your second thing, we say ‘two’ and so on until you reach five. Then we all chant ‘(slowly) Five things, (quickly) Five things Five things Five things (slowly) Five things.’” I also ask them to say their name first, so a typical turn goes something like this:
Rhonda: I’m Rhonda, and I like summertime
Ensemble: One!
Rhonda: sour candy
Ensemble: Two!
Rhonda: penguins
Ensemble: Three!
Rhonda: my brothers
Ensemble: Four!
Rhonda: And playing tennis
Ensemble: Five things
Five things Five things Five things
Five things
In improv, as in life, you can’t be wrong if you make I statements. You can always say what you (or your character) is thinking or feeling. Sharing five joys is a positive way to practice expressing ourselves.
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